Saturday, March 26, 2011

signs of aging.....

It has occured to me today, that I am indeed getting old. For starters, Matt and I are really into documenteries now a day. Our new favorites are Our America with Lisa Ling and we both bought the This American Life app for our phones- and listen to it non stop! I've always liked this American Life- but until now I've never gone out of my way to listen to it. If I caught it- then great! If I missed it- then oh-well! The fact that NPR has now made it to a preset on my radio stations- tells me I'm officially old.

The other hint at my aging is today was matt and myselfs first day off together in 14 days. How did we spend it? Did we go to a movie? Did we go to an art show? Did we go to the mall? No. We went to Borders to look at decorating magazines and then to furniture stores and then to Lowes. This would not have been a fun or good day off a couple years ago- quite frankly it would have felt like a waste!

We had a lot of fun- but we still feel that decorating delima. The problem is to get this house where we want it to be- ie) molding, flooring, tiling, etc, we would be putting in money that we would never get out. That being said there is an ADORABLE neighborhood in Edwardsville with houses that we both love- but if we buy a new house it means we are staying in Edwardsville. We would both like to move to KC- but the reality is that Matt would have to take a huge job demotion to go there with no promise of getting back where he is now.

So after spending an entire day looking at magazines, paint colors, molding, tiling, panaling, lighting, sinks, curtins, etc, we come back to the delima. The very thing that keeps us from really starting any more projects. How long will we be in this house? Limbo limbo limbo. There are way too many variables. And a trip to Lowes to add it up the costs of our projects only put us back in the what is our five year plan delima.

So after some re arranging of the living room- (again) we are calling it a successful day. Finishing it up with some home made pizza- NCAA basket ball, and you guessed it- DVR'd Our America. : )

Yep. We're getting old. But thats OK.

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